
Currently, the RINN organizes two events per year, where one focuses on sharing best practices and experiences by RINN members, and the other one focuses on the research intelligence fundamentals with presentations from both external and internal speakers.


Recap Research Intelligence Network Netherlands symposium June 27th, 2024

On 27 June, the Research Intelligence Network Netherlands and Maastricht University Library organised the annual symposium at the Maastricht University (UM) building Tapijn with the themes: ‘state-of-the-art Research Intelligence for impact’ and ‘the power of visualisations’. Policies on Open Science and Recognition & Rewards keep our community ever-evolving, and it was informative to hear from people at other universities how they deal with these changes. For example Ricgraph, a tool presented by Utrecht University that can visualise networks of research information. This tool can be interesting for libraries, marketing and communication but also for academics themselves. The workshop of Cathelijne Waaijer on data visualisation was refreshing; we often feel the need to include more data in a visualisation then needed and this can obscure your message.

Despite the hot weather, most of our community members joined on premises and this further strengthened the bonds within our community. It was a beautiful and informative day!”


On Thursday, June 27th, 2024, the Research Intelligence Network Netherlands (RINN) is organizing a symposium in collaboration with the University of Maastricht. The day will focus on the themes of state-of-the-art Research Intelligence for impact and the power of visualizations.

Program & registration 
Please consult the program for more information. 
Interested in joining this symposium?
Kindly register (before June 17th 2024) via the registration form.


Previous symposium

The next RINN symposium is scheduled on June 21st, 2023 at the KNAW, Het Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam..

Registration is mandatory to participate or receive the link to attend digitally

RINN symposium June 21st 2023-program

If you have any questions, please send an email to